LED lighting? Learn about the Most Common Questions Asked About This Technology.

LED lighting? Learn about the Most Common Questions Asked About This Technology.

Most Frequently Asked Questions About LED Lighting

Over the years, Choierlight's commercial team has gained experience throughout the USA LED lighting market and has been able to address and dispel some customer doubts that were actually myths. In this article, you will discover 5 lies about industrial lighting. check it out!

1. Lamp shape affects lighting effect

Incorrect. Not only in our range of light fixtures, but also in the entire market, there are both round and rectangular light fixture models, and there may even be variations of other shapes. Therefore, some people believe that if a light fixture is round, the light beam hitting the ground will also be round. If it is square, the beam will be square.

The light focus of any fixture is achieved through optical lenses. For example, manufacturers develop fixture models with more open or more focused light beams from these lenses.

Lighting design projects will define the type of lens suitable for each installation location.

2. Wattage (power in watts) is the most important factor.

Incorrect. It is common to receive requests for quotes indicating wattages that are too high for the installation location. This is usually because old lighting systems did require a lot of energy to illuminate the same object, or even less. For example, a 150W Choierlight LED High Bay fixture can replace a traditional 400W fixture with the same efficacy.

Depending on the LED fixture manufacturer, a 180W or 200W fixture might be needed to provide the same lighting quality as the Choierlight 150W High Bay. Therefore, when requesting quotes, it is ideal to look at the light fixture's luminous flux, which indicates how much illumination it actually provides, rather than just the nominal wattage, which will only result in higher energy costs for your company.

3. The higher the IP protection rating, the better.

Incorrect. Imagine owning a multimillion-dollar supercar but only driving it at 20 km/h on bumpy streets—it doesn't make sense, right? The same idea applies to the IP protection rating of LED fixtures. Often, customers think they need very high IP protection for fixtures that are not in corrosive environments and are only exposed to rain. In such cases, IP65 protection is more than sufficient and more cost-effective.

4. Finding cheaper fixtures that meet the requirements.

Incorrect. When negotiations reach the pricing stage, customers often present quotes for online products (e.g., from Amazon) to compare with higher-quality products.

Online fixtures are often sold at very attractive prices, but customers end up "stuck" without realizing the technical specifications are subpar and the build quality is different.

The result is that materials in low-quality fixtures quickly wear out, leading to premature burnout or flickering lights, causing maintenance costs and even early replacement of the products.

Be aware that cheaper fixtures do not meet your needs, and the maintenance costs make them more expensive than the high-quality fixtures you could purchase.

5. LED lighting does not generate heat.

Incorrect. LED fixtures do generate heat, but unlike traditional fixtures, they have heat sinks that prevent the higher temperatures from being radiated into the environment. Traditional fixtures lack heat sinks and can cause the environment to heat up.

LED reflectors and fixtures are devices that receive electrical energy and convert it into light, a process that always generates heat. When LED fixtures are of poor quality, their heat dissipation is ineffective, accelerating the wear and tear of internal components and leading to product burnout. However, with high-quality fixtures like those from Choierlight Lighting, the higher temperatures are properly dissipated, making it seem as though the lighting does not produce heat.


So, do you already know that the five items on the list are lies, or do you believe any of them?

For industrial lighting, it is essential not only to rely on quality products but also on professional technicians who can provide you with good lighting design solutions and the best products. To avoid mistakes, please contact the Choierlight Lighting team.

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